Corporate Structure

Rock Forage Mining Ltd. (RFM) is a private company registered in British Columbia, Canada 100% owned by the key principles. RFM has the following subsidiaries:

  • Rock Forage Titanium Ltd. (RFT) which currently has 47.5% rights to the Joint Venture Company being set up to operate the Chibuto Minerals Sands Project in Mozambique. RFM is looking to fund the JV through raising money on the Australian Stock Exchange and this will affect the structure of RFT.
  • Rock Forage Gold Ltd. (RFG) is currently in negotiations with owners of several gold prospecting rights in Africa. RFG is being set up as an Africa focussed gold mining company.
  • Rock Forage Diamonds Ltd. (RFD) is in an advanced stage of negotiating an agreement that will see it putting a historic diamond mine back into production utilizing the latest processing technologies.